50th European Solid-State Device Research Conference


46th European Solid-State Circuits Conference




Information about VISAS for foreign participants are available in FRANCE-VISAS here


If you need an official invitation in order to attend the Conference:

  1. fill out this letter with your personal data (please re-name the file by your family name and first name). (if you are a TPC Member and you need an invitation letter to attend also the TPC Meeting, please use this letter

  2. include your Paper ID, if you have submitted a paper.

  3. if you haven’t submitted any Paper, please motivate your request by explaining your interest in the conference and send also your CV.

  4. include a copy of your passport

  5. send everything to the  not later than

  • March 30, if you are a TPC Member attending the TPC Meeting

  • June 30, if you are attending the Conference.


Invitation letters with modified invitation text will not be accepted.

If your invitation letter contains incorrect data, you have to send the letter again: no changes or corrections can be made by the LOCAL EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT.

The invitation letter will be sent to you by email with an attached pdf file. Invitations will NOT be sent BY FAX neither to you nor to the relevant embassy.

If you wish to receive a hard copy of the invitation letter via courier/shipping agent, please contact a courier service by your own means.


The processing time takes up to 10 working days and CANNOT by shortened.

Please check your spam folder before contacting us for undelivered invitations.




Please note that invitation letters will only be sent to participants who have registered and paid for the conference.

Should participants withdraw from the conference after the issuance of an invitation letter, 

the consulate or embassy will be notified of the withdrawal accordingly.